Movement      Mindfulness      Intention      Wellness


Yoga Instructor

Theresa Charpentier is a Yoga, Ayurvedic, Singing Healing Bowl Practitioner and Artist.

Theresa Charpentier has been practicing and teaching Hatha Vinyasa Style Yoga for over 35 years. Theresa Charpentier studied with YogaFit International and graduated with a 200 RYT in 2020. 



Mindfulness & Mediation

Bringing forward a down-to-earth approach to mediation, to discover your inner self and inner peace. Mediation is the final phase of practice and effective techniques can be used outside of practice to deal with emotions on a daily basis. All are welcome for mediation. 

Core Strength & Flexibility

A key ingredient to creating strength, stability, and mobility through the movement and holding of poses. This allows for improved balance and longer independence for our Perennial Sages and brings this wellness activity to our next generation of kids people and all others.

Breathing & Movement

A key ingredient to creating a calming, relaxing, and clearing out the mind in ALL situations. Learn deep diaphragmatic techniques that you can tone down the mind and deepen the movement of the poses. Breathing and movement are essential to a good trauma-informed environment and reducing stress. 

Inclusive for ALL

Creating an environment of respect, non-judgment, no competition, and letting go of expectations. It is being in the moment – the NOW and providing a practice that fits the pose to your body. Not the body to the pose. Providing a healthy place to be grounded and practice to your personal potential.

Awakening & Enlightenment

The result of good quality, wellness practice of breathing, movement, building strength, stability and mobility, and mediation that brings you bliss, true happiness, contentment, and gratitude. Move closer to your true happy self.


What is a Mala Necklace or Bracelet?

A Mala is a string of beads that are used during meditation to help the wearer count repetitive mantras and chants. Malas have a long and rich history. While they have become synonymous with Buddhist traditions, they’re also a powerful tool for meditation newcomers or anyone seeking a more intentional lifestyle.

Malas are now making a spiritual comeback. They’ve been seen as part of an intentional living statement on celebrities and cultural influencers. They are also the latest trend of an ancient practice, in the form of wearable yoga. These are said to contain powerful and symbolic tools for prayer, meditation, and healing that are then transferred to the wearer.Mala beads are useful and a beautiful tool used for mediation and mindfulness. They can be worn as a necklace or a bracelet and usually have 108 mala beads on each strand, though 27 beads can be used too. Use the beads to count breaths or the number of times a mantra is repeated by running you fingers over the beads. 

108 is a spiritual number.

1 – Oneness
0 – Galaxy & Emptiness
8 – Limbs of Yoga 

Featured Pose

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To use for the Salt Room